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  A man was walking down the road one day when he heard someone calling out to him from around his ankle area. He looks down and sees a small frog. He picks the frog up and it says "If you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess, you will be my hero and I will tell everyone how brave and strong you are."

He smiles and puts the frog in his pocket.

The frog calls out, "Okay, if you kiss me I will be your loving companion for a week."

He smiles and puts the frog back in his pocket.

The frog calls out again, "Alrighty then, if you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess, I will be your girlfriend for a year and do WHATEVER you want."

He smiles and puts the frog back in his pocket.

The frog tries one last time, "Okay, so what's up, I've promised that I will turn into a beautiful princess, be your girlfriend for a year and do WHATEVER you want, so why won't you kiss me."

He says, "I'm a computer programmer, I don't have time for a girlfriend, but a talking frog is cool!"


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